Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Privacy Wars 2.0

Privacy Wars 2.0

As we enter the new era of mobile technology innovations, the key players (Apple & Google Inc.) have decided to take their user's privacy to a completely different level altogether.

Apple and Google are trying to implement new privacy policies, which will make the data stored on the users phones inaccessible by others (Including these tech giants) except the user itself. The issue is part of a long-running debate over whether tech gadgets should have privacy-protecting encryption which makes it difficult/nearly impossible for law enforcement to access in time-sensitive investigations.

What concerns me here is, while the law enforcement agencies investigate a particular offence which involves these respective mobile phones, it is going to be extremely difficult to decrypt the information in time which will help to solve the time sensitive crime and not to mention the hassles while fulfilling the conditions and proving the evidence under section 65(b) of the Indian Evidence Act.

The companies here will be putting law enforcement agencies in a very tight spot as in any case where the mobile phone plays an important part, but at the same time the perpetrator will enjoy the power to store and exploit the data beyond the reach of Law 

Adv. Rajas C Pingle 

(Cyber Law & Cyber Security Expert)

Disclaimer: This does not constitute a legal opinion and would not create Attorney-Client relationship. This article is only for information and awareness purpose and merely a possible interpretation of the law. Image copyrights are with the respective owner.

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